Saturday 30 April 2011

When INDIA comes in the Big Picture

Most of the fighter planes fans must be knowing about the amazing developmets in aircrafts which lead to them being classified under different Generations. A brief explanation, however, is as below.
The main developments in the basic models which proved to be major breakthroughs in the development of an Ultimate Fighters were visible in a few parts of the aircraft. The history of change in the design of the wings is as below;

1st gen. aircrafts had UNSWEPT  wings, i.e, straight wings which could reach only subsonic speeds (less than speed of sound). Eg. Me262A.
 ME 262

2nd gen. aircrafts had been crafted with advanced aerodynamics, giving them SWEPT wings for the first time in avation history, making them stable supersonic jets. Eg. MiG 21 (yes the downscale version of the infamous aircrafts which forms I.A.Fs major fleet even now).
 MiG 21 WELL!!!
3rd gen. aircrafts had advanced swept wings but this was the time when canards, powered slats etc, were introduced in the aircrafts. Eg. F 111
4th gen. fighters showed variable geometry wings which concentrated on sophisticated avionics which allowed aircrafts to showcase their exceptional stealth and maneuvering ability. India's frontliner aircraft Sukhoi Su-30 MKI is a 4th gen aircraft which will be upgraded by 2012 into a 4.5th gen aircraft.
 EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON showcasing delta wings.

 Su-30 MKI

5th gen. aircrafts.

This deserves special attention. The only 5th gen aircrafts presently in use are F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.
BUT, India and Russia in a joint venture have started to work  on their own 5th gen aircraft which, in India, will be referred to as FGFA ( Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft).
The total approximate cost is a mammoth Rs. 11,053,675,000,000.
The aircrafts is developed from the Sukhoi PAK FA and is a tough competitor of Raptor

Thursday 28 April 2011


Well, these are the real dare-devils of the Indian Armed Forces. Unlike IAF and Indian Navy, who get postings only in delightful ares like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, etc etc, these front-line soldiers maybe present in siachen glacier on day and in Andaman island the very next day. These disciplined, tactical war specialists walk with their lives in their hands. The Indian soldiers are appreciably well trained, and they have a remarkable record for successfully accomplishing any task that comes to their hands, be it the war between nations, or in keeping peace in the country or even peace keeping missions in various countries. For example, in Sri Lanka in 1987-1990 the Indian Armed Forces participated under the mandate of the Indo-Sri Lankan accord. The Indian forces ended the civil war in Sri Lanka between millitant sri lankan tamil nationalists and LTTE and the Sri Lankan Military.

21 Corps / XXI Corps / 1 Strike Corps Sudarshan Chakra Corps

Similar scenario was observable in many other UN Peacekeeping missions.

Indian Army soldiers arrive in Korea in September 1953         

for peacekeeping

The Indian army is the 4th strongest army in the world after U.S.A, people's Liberation Army of China and British Army, although it is the toughest trained army but lacks state of the art technology because of deep rooted corruption of the system.
The Army Aviation Corps is the component of the Indian Army, constituting of the Army pilots flying 500+ helicopters and UAVs.



Wednesday 27 April 2011

The fun of flying...'Unframed'

Flying high is surely the best way to feel good ( except for sad people having aerophobia or acrophobia). let it be the flips or cartwheels para gliding para jumps, or diving... all the feel good feelings attached to these are just cz u stay in air without support of any airframe, metallic, semi metallic or even wooden. But people who love these sports must be acquainted to BASE jumping...
"BASE" doesn't as such mean any platform in this wild wild sport... its abbreviation for
This is one must do in in my life's aspirations.

INDIAN MILITARY too is related very much to this sport in its practical aspects.
The engineers of the Military Engineering Services, who do jobs truely not for the faint hearted, are responsible for design, construction and maintenance of all works, in addition to that, the military roads, water and electricity supply, drainage, refrigeration, furniture, required by the army, navy and air force. and at the times of war demands and requirements of the military, mostly the ground forces, need to be met. These are the times when the army COMBAT ENGINEERS are directly descended into the war field with the required instruments. This is done only with the help of BASE jumping.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

The love of flying

Super cars, fast bikes, even the fancy mercs and bmws cycles are enough to make any guy to literally gasp for air. These things are fast, agile, and simply the state of the art machineries. but there's nothing in world which can even come closer to the astounding beauties like F-22 raptors and F-35 lightning II, Sukhois and even in that case the MiGs. The agility of these can make anyone crave for these deadly beauties. There's a lot of fun in just flying in a normal passenger aircraft which some people like me never get bored of even after flying a dozen times. But what's fun at flying at 500 miles per hour wen u get about 2k mph in a simple fighter aircraft as Dassault Mirage 2000?? the fun, craze and pumped up adrenalin of spectators is quite much visible in all the air-shows around the globe and just imagining the state of the pilot!!! gives spine chilling goosebumps. So for the love of it, FLY!!